Most Common Problems of Sewage Treatment Plants in India
India is a densely populated country, with the number of people only increasing daily. Hence, people live in large groups and communities, increasing the need for proper sewage treatment plants for a healthy and safe lifestyle. These plants need to be equipped to deal with treatment issues on a large scale due to the sheer volume of people residing in one location. Due to these complex requirements, these plants may face specific problems and do not operate properly. This leads to massive issues as having an effective sewage system is vital for the survival of any living community.
In this article, we will go over the most common problems that sewage treatment plants in India face and how these companies can effectively tackle these problems:
The Problems Faced By Sewage Treatment Plants
1. Downstream Equipment Failure
The very first machinery used in a sewage treatment system is the downstream equipement. Using a screening process, this equipement is used to remove any non-biodegradable solids that are floating in the sewage. The most popular examples of these solids found in wastewater include paper, tin, plastic, rags, wood, and containers.
Sometimes, big pieces of such solids are found in the water that is too big for the downstream equipement to process and screen. This could cause damage to the machinery like pipe blockage, wear & tear, and accumulation of materials that hamper the entire treatment process.
Hence, it is crucial to do a quick manual scan of the water before processing it through the machinery to ensure big pieces can be removed.
2. The Treated Effluent Doesn’t Meet The Phosphorous Target
When it comes to sewage treatment plants, the phosphorous target for the wastewater processed through this system is set with the following objectives:
- Minimize the use of chemicals
- Achieve a lower operational cost
- Get license limits for TP
Hence, these sewage plants need to meet the set target. If they are facing difficulties in achieving this target, it is recommended to monitor the chemical dosage used in the system.
3. Strong Odor Issues
Due to the high levels of hydrogen sulfide and organic acids present in the wastewater of India, the sewage treatment plants often tend to stink a lot. Hydrogen sulfide is a foul-smelling colorless gas, which is extremely corrosive. Hence, to get rid of the odor, it is essential to reduce the presence of hydrogen sulfide gas.
How To Avoid The Common Problems Faced By Sewage Treatment Plants
Each plant is unique, and each of them faces its own individual set of problems. Moreover, the common issues listed above can be caused due to multiple reasons, as well.
Hence, if you’re looking for an effective solution to rid your plant of all problems and ensure it is functioning effectively, it is recommended to partner with a company that provides systems that are well-equipped to deal with these issues and don’t require any manual effort. Companies like Thermax are focused on creating a community wherein sewage treatment plants are promoting the message of recycling and reuse! Head on to their website to understand the services they offer and their mission.
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