Benefits of sewage treatment plants

Sewage is wastewater or contaminated water. It is generally created by a residential complex in a municipality. Considering the number of people living in any area in our country, sewage production is inevitable. The population has exploded, and with it, the amount of sewage has increased.

If left untreated, it will result in the spread of diseases, water pollution, and an imbalance between ecological surroundings. In a report by DownToEarth, it was noted that 78% of sewage generated in India remains untreated. Therefore, it is a need of the hour for India to establish sewage treatment plants to deal with this problem. 

Wondering how a sewage treatment plant works? It is the process of removing contaminants from water. This can be done by using several chemical, physical and biological processes. The facility where this treatment is done is called a sewage treatment plant. This water can then be reused for various purposes such as gardening, car wash and more. Keep reading to learn about the other benefits of sewage treatment plants.

Waste reduction

If contaminated water is treated before letting it in rivers, it will reduce water pollution. This will reduce the diseases being spread due to environmental pollution; eventually reducing health problems. Recently the country has pulled up its socks to save the country’s rivers from pollution. Several rivers are on the verge of being polluted to the point of being futile.  Now is the time for the country to introduce more sewage treatment plants and reduce waste.  

Energy production
After treating the contaminated water, two fluids are developed. One is the water that is suitable to be let out in the environment, and the other one is sludge. This sludge cannot be let out in the environment as it will pollute the environment. If this sludge is kept in an enclosed facility at a certain temperature, it can be treated by anaerobic bacteria.

During this process, a large amount of methane is produced. This methane can be used to generate electricity. This energy can be used to power the treatment plant. Thus making it a self-sustaining unit. If more than required electricity is produced, it can be transferred to the national grid.   

Fertilizer production

After the process is over, some bio-degradable material may remain. This material is dried and later turned into a natural fertilizer, which can be used for agriculture. Farmers have heavily relied on chemical fertilizers for a long time. A shift to natural fertilizers can be a welcoming one. 

These are a few of the many benefits of a sewage treatment plant. Given the amount of sewage that is left untreated in the country, the government direly needs to construct more facilities. Several companies in India, such as Thermax provide sewage treatment and recycling plant facilities. These companies can play a significant role in bringing about this change.


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