What is UltraPure Water? What are its Applications?
Ultrapure water (UPW) also known as high-purity water is obtained by purifying water to very strict specifications. UPW contains water with ions of H20, and H+ and OH- in equilibrium. The conductivity of this water is about 0,055 uS/cm at 25oC.
UPW is produced using different water purification systems such as ion exchange or membrane filtration to reach a conductivity of 10 uS/cm.
This water is stripped off all its minerals and contains nil concentrations of salts, organic components, oxygen, suspended solids or bacteria making it unfit for human consumption.
Ultrapure water finds applications majorly in semiconductors, power generators, microelectronics manufacturing, life sciences, chemical industry (ammonia facilities, and fine chemicals manufacturing), and pharmaceutical industry (injection, sterile water, and wastewater treatment). In the healthcare sector this high-quality water is used in processes like dialysis and has other vital medical applications.
UPW is used to clean tiny, sensitive equipment like semiconductors present in computer microchips. In its ultrapure state, water acts like a ‘super cleaner’ sucking out every last bit of dirt and gunk, leaving your computer’s brain squeaky clean.
Ultrapure water is also used to slice silicon wafers during the process of fabricating integrated circuits. It is used as the primary solvent to rinse away contaminants and remnants of silicon etched away in production.
Benefits of Ultra-pure water are both direct and indirect.
Direct benefits include their use in lab experiments to produce successful and positive results.
Indirect benefits are cost saving on the production of such high-quality water. When experiments can be conducted without the risk of failure, it adds to the cost-saving aspect due to the consistent lab results.
Since this water has applications that require the quality of water to be very high, it is essential to find the right manufacturer of water purification systems to obtain UPW. Thermax designs ultrapure water systems as a combination of membrane and ion-exchange techniques, to produce 18 mg-ohms specific resistance water. They are leading manufacturers of water purification systems in India and all over the world. They provide PLC based automatic operations and have hygienically designed components in all their equipment.
The systems to produce UPW provided by Thermax can be customized to accommodate varying flow rates as well as levels of purity. Visit https://www.thermaxglobal.com/ to learn more.
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