What are the uses of different heat treatment processes?
The most commonly used technology to convert biomass to heat is direct combustion. During the process of combustion, biomass is burnt in excess air to produce heat. In the first stage of combustion, vapours from biomass are produced which burn as flames. A charcoal residue is left behind, which is burnt in a forced air supply to provide more heat. Hot combustion gases are sometimes used directly for product drying but are typically passed through a heat exchanger to produce hot air, hot water or steam.
The efficiency of a combustion system primarily depends on how strong contact is between oxygen in the air and biomass fuel. If carbon dioxide and water vapour are emitted during biomass combustion, it is considered to be an efficient one. But often smoke and alkaline ash particles are also emitted. It is necessary to minimize these emissions owing to their environmental impacts. This has led to the design of environmentally acceptable biomass combustion systems.
Biomass combustion systems have high efficiency for producing hot gases, hot air, or steam. They recover about 65-90% of the energy contained in the fuel. Lower efficiencies are generally associated with wetter fuels. Due to the diversity in fuel characteristics, a number of designs for combustion furnaces are utilised around the world.
Underfeed Stokers
These stokers are designed for small scale systems up to a boiler capacity of 6 MW and for fuels like sawdust and woodchips that have low ash content. Biomass is supplied to the combustion zone from underneath a firing grate. Fuel with high ash content like bark, straw and cereals require a stronger system of ash removal. Sintered or molten ash particles covering the upper surface of the fuel bed can cause problems in underfeed stokers due to unstable combustion conditions when the fuel and the air are breaking through the ash covered surface.
If you are looking for the best heat treatment processes and heat equipment make sure to visit https://www.thermaxglobal.com/. Thermax is a leading manufacturer of heat equipment and their insatiable urge for technological development has resulted in the creation of an underfeed stoker that utilises combined gasification and combustion of fuel.
Some features of Thermax’s underfeed stoker include:
•Silent and highly efficient combustion
•Automated and regulated fuel feeding ensuring automated combustion in consistent efficiency regime
•High part load efficiency
•Fuel-flexible design – suitable for a variety of fuels
•Lower SPM levels across fuel matrix
The underfeed stokers Thermax provides are the most efficient, smart, and affordable automated solutions for industrial use.
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