
Showing posts from November, 2019

All About Thermal Power Plant Generations and Operations

Thermal power generation is the procedure for obtaining renewable energy by burning fuels like LNG, etc., to convert into electrical energy by employing power generating facilities. Steam Power Generation Steam electricity generation is a power generation method using the growth ability of steam. Steam using warm and high pressure is generated from the heat by burning off heavy crude oil, LNG (liquefied natural gas), coal, etc.. This steam is used to rotate the impeller at a turbine, which triggers a generator to generate electricity. Steam power generation uses thermal energy using a comparatively low temperature (600°C or reduced ). Combined Cycle Power Generation Combined cycle power production is a power generation method combining the usage of a gas turbine and a steam turbine. High thermal efficiency can be achieved by combining these two methods of electricity generation: Gas turbine power production by rotating the generator by using the growing power of combustion gas gene...

All About Thermal Power Plant Generations and Operations

Thermal power generation is the procedure for obtaining renewable energy by burning fuels like LNG, etc., to convert into electrical energy by employing power generating facilities. Steam Power Generation  Steam electricity generation is a power generation method using the growth ability of steam. Steam using warm and high pressure is generated from the heat by burning off heavy crude oil, LNG (liquefied natural gas), coal, etc.. This steam is used to rotate the impeller at a turbine, which triggers a generator to generate electricity. Steam power generation uses thermal energy using a comparatively low temperature (600°C or reduced ). Combined Cycle Power Generation Combined cycle power production is a power generation method combining the usage of a gas turbine and a steam turbine. High thermal efficiency can be achieved by combining these two methods of electricity generation:  Gas turbine power production by rotating the generator by using the grow...

All you must know about chemicals used in Sugar-manufacturing Chemical Companies

You must know, sugar is neither a toxin nor a replacement for authentic food. Eventually, modest amounts of sugar can fit into a whole-food, nutrient-dense, wholesome diet, as long as you see it for what it truly is a treat. Refining raw cane sugar to produce those white cube of sugar on your table is an intricate process that may involve hundreds of inorganic, organic, and electrolytic materials. Chemical companies in India produce these compounds to refine sugar from their natural sources. Brief Process Description of Sugar Cane Industry The sugar cane is initially cut, washed in hot water, and then presses to produce the juice. Further, it's mixed with lime. Many a time, they're also burned, mixed with soda ash, and exposed to a myriad of chemicals to refine the sugar. We are sometimes curious to know about how an edible product we consume gets produced. Thus, let us understand the underlying reasons of why certain chemicals are used in the sugar industry and their effec...

What are Air Pollution Control Devices? What do they control?

There are numerous types of air pollution control systems employed in various industries to control pollution. These equipment assist in removing the Volatile Organix Compounds (VOCs) and Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) from industrial air, such as fumes, odors, sulfuric gases, and vapors. Air pollution control devices are a collection of tools that block a variety of pollutants (both solid and gaseous) from entering the atmosphere out of the industrial smokestacks. This type of pollution control machinery can be divided into two broad categories - equipment that controls acidic gas emissions, and, devices that control the total amount of particulate matter. It is essential to note that the extraction procedures for each type of pollutant may differ, so, effective methods must be followed for extracting the pollutant. Despite being intensively intricate, these devices have proven to be efficient with decreased levels of emissions for many pollutants dropping with their implementation...
Most people are aware of the fact that water goes through a purification channel before entering their town. Before water enters your office, your home, or any other facility; a water purification and distribution system purifies the water. But, have you ever thought about how clean your tap water is?  Tap water is usually filtered through different water purification systems before it reaches the end-user (that is you), but that doesn't mean it's free from impurities. The above process is valid for every city, no matter how small or large. When the relevant authorities test the water quality, they test it precisely after the water is filtered, and before it enters the municipal feed pipes. Most of the time, the results they obtain are satisfying and above the standard that is demanded. However, you must remember that the authorities are not taking the feed lines (its length and age) into account. As explained, most water treatment channels are usually placed at the edge ...
Sewage treatment plants are categorized under two basic types; Anaerobic and Aerobic sewage treatment. With this blog, we'll be learning all the basics of the aerobic sewage treatment plant. In the aerobic sewage treatment process, aerobic bacteria digest the pollutants. You also must provide air for the germs to breathe and let them set a bacterial colony. At a sewage treatment plant, the air is always supplied to the Biozone by either of these two processes: Direct Surface Aeration with Impellers propelled by pumps which whisk the surface of the liquid with the atmosphere, or by Submerged Diffused Aeration using blowers for air supply via bubble diffusers at the bottom of the tank. Note: The most prevalent aerobic sewage treatment plants employ natural air currents and do not need electricity. However, these are just used for small scale sewer systems right now. Aerobic conditions establish an aerobic bacterial colony. These help in reaching complete digestion and oxidatio...

What are the best practices for Bolier Maintenance?

Boilers are highly productive for industries, but if they’re not accurately inspected and maintained, they can become fatal too. According to a report, there are countless breakdowns, innumerable accidents, and unnecessary boiler shutdowns faced by industrial boiler manufacturers in India. Most of these boilers are operating in the food processing, chemical, refining, paper, and primary metals industries. Here are a few basic and best practices for maintaining the desired efficiency of the boiler: Keeping the Boiler Clean Boilers require following a critical cleaning process, as any residue (such as scale or soot) that may get attached, or coat over the heat transfer surfaces of the boiler. These depositions may reduce the efficiency of the boiler and also double the chances of equipment failure. The residue that coats over the tubes of a boiler may elevate the flue gas temperature and interfere with heat transfer. Improper maintenance can also result in incomplete combustion, r...

Types of Biopower in Power plant operations

Biopower is electricity generated from a broad assortment of biomass (natural substances found in wood, plants, agricultural waste, and other materials). Biomass is a baseload renewable energy supply that is readily available with power plant operations , which makes it more reliable than wind and solar for electricity generation. Biomass also supplies a renewable energy solution in areas where renewable sources aren't as readily available. Biopower is one means that lets each participating country meet federal goals for using clean, renewable energy while boosting economic growth. A flourishing, sustainable biopower power plant or industry might offer the following:     clean, domestic, renewable energy;     revitalize rural markets;     decrease impacts on the climate and environment;     encourage healthy forests; and  produce distinct project opportunities with agribusinesses, utility, and power plant vendors, ow...